Benefits of Winter Pool Building

Publication date : Monday, January 25th, 2016

Swimming pools are synonymous with warm weather and cookouts, but building one doesn’t have to be done during the summer. In fact, NOW is the perfect time to build your swimming pool! By the time your pool plans are complete, you’ll have the entire summer to enjoy your new investment.

Let’s discuss some of the benefits you should know about when considering winter pool building.

Flexible Scheduling and Ordering

First off, building a swimming pool in the winter is actually more practical than in the spring or summer. Pool builders tend to be less busy, so you’ll get your first pick with appointments and installation dates. You may also have a better selection with materials because business is slower. Heck, because of the law of supply and demand, you may even SAVE money on materials!

Time to Enjoy the Process

Another nice perk to building in the winter is that your pool will be ready to go come summer. You’re leaving yourself plenty of time for the installation to be complete – and then some. And trust us, many pool installations don’t go off as planned. There may be issues with getting the materials on time or delays in getting a permit. When you’re not in a rush, you can relax and enjoy the process a bit more.

Less Hassle and Headache

Finally, that mess that will become your backyard for a few months won’t bother you so much in the winter. Your family probably won’t be using the yard, so you can shut your blinds and let the pool contractors do their thing. In the meantime, you can spend your energy choosing which plants and flowers you want to plant around your swimming pool. You can pick out patio furniture and even order invitations for your first pool bash of the season.

Building in Winter Weather

What many people are surprised to learn is that winter is ideal building weather for a swimming pool. As long as the temps are over 35 degrees and the skies are clear, an inground pool can be successfully (and comfortably!) built. That’s actually much better weather than, say, a hot day in the sun. Plus, the drier conditions in the winter are better for digging the soil.

If we’ve convinced you to start your pool plans early this year, then give us a call! The temperatures will be warming up before you know it, and we know that you’ll have even more to look forward to if you see the progress in action.

© Paradise Pools & Spas
Paradise Pools & Spas Contact Details:
Main address: 227 S. Pearson Road 39208 Pearl, MS ,
Tel:(601) 932-7665,
March 16th - August 30th
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 5pm
Saturday: 9am - 1pm
Sunday: Closed
September 1st - March 15th
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 5pm
Saturday: 9am - 12pm
Sunday: Closed