Why use Bromine?
Most spa owners like it better because of the benefits of it. Bromine is a chemical that is closely related to chlorine; however there are a few differences between them that make bromine a little more user friendly.
Once in the water Bromine kills very similarly to chlorine, with one BIG exception. When chlorine kills it leaves behind a waste product (known as chloramines) which smell bad and must be burned off or oxidized. Where as bromine leaves behind no waste product, but instead its by-product (known as bromimines) continues to sanitize, have little to no odor and can be reactivated by means of a simple shock treatment.
The most popular form of Bromine used in the spa industry is bromine tablets, making this system very easy to use. Tablets are placed in a floating feeder usually inside the filter compartment.
So what does all of this mean for you? Simply put…More Time!!!
Using a Bromine System in your spa can be done in 2 easy steps.
Step 1 – Add Bromine Tablets to a floating feeder once a week.
Step 2 – Spa Shock to oxidize the contaminants that the Bromine has killed. This is usually added a couple hours before or immediately after use of the tub.