Ozone (or Ozonators) can be tag-teamed with any of the above systems to significantly reduce the amount of sanitizer used (up to 70%) and to reduce the overall maintenance of the spa. There are many different Ozone systems on the market – they are NOT all the same. Some use UV bulbs to generate the ozone. These are the least effective and require the bulb to be replaced, typically every 12-18 months, as the amount of ozone generated decreases as the bulb loses strength. Corona Discharge ozone systems are much more effective. However, there are two distinct types – those requiring chips and non-chip models. The chip CD Systems, which are better that UV, are usually less effective than the non-chip models (putting out less ozone) and require the chip to be replaced periodically. The non-chip systems usually have a larger ozone output and require very little maintenance (typically requiring you to simply clean a check valve yearly). See us in the store for more details and options.