5 Signs You Need a New Grill
Publication date : Friday, October 28th, 2016
Is the wife giving you trouble about that new grill? Believe it or not, you might actually have some validity to wanting to splurge on something shiny and new. Even if you keep your grill clean, covered and looking nice, the parts can wear out and even compromise the taste and quality of your food.
Below are five clear signs that you need a new grill in your backyard!
- You notice patches of rust.
A little rust is not a problem since it can be removed with a stainless steel brush. Also, it’s bound to happen in the first place because the grill is exposed to all types of elements. However, if there is rust or corrosion showing up in patches or the underside of the grill, it’s probably time for a replacement. Not only can particles of rust transfer onto your food, but also rust on the underside of the unit can compromise its stability.
- The paint is flaking off.
Another sign that your grill has seen the end of its days is flaking paint. Most grills today are painted with a porcelain enamel finish. If you notice that the paint is coming off, it’s likely that the exposed metal will rust and lead to more problems. Peeling paint can also get into your food, something that won’t taste good and could contain harmful chemicals. Oh, and don’t think about painting the grill. That’s a major fire hazard!
- The air vents are blocked.
Charcoal grills are built with vents that help with the air intake and heat while grilling. These vents can get clogged over time if they are not cleaned on a regular basis. While it’s easy to overlook the air vents, once they get blocked, they cannot perform well. It’s better to start fresh with a new grill – and new vents!
- There is a buildup of grease.
If you don’t clean your grill routinely, grease will eventually build up and cause a potential hazard. Before throwing away your grill, however, try cleaning it with a soap-filled wool pad. If that doesn’t work, it’s probably time to replace your grill and get something that is clean and new!
- The flames and/or heat are uneven.
It’s frustrating when you don’t have even flames to cook over since this leaves your food grilled unevenly, which can also be a health hazard. You can try cleaning the burner tubes with a toothpick, but it’s also possible that the burners simply aren’t working anymore. If this is the case, you need a new grill that will cook your foods evenly.
If you’ve decided that you’re in need of a new grill, try the Big Green Egg! It’s the original All-American grill and smoker that can handle everything from delicious steaks to stone-baked pizzas. Pick yours up today from Paradise Pools!
Enjoy Fall Nights in Your Hot Tub!
Publication date : Friday, October 21st, 2016
If you have a hot tub in your backyard, don’t even think about closing it up just yet! This is a wonderful time of the year to sit in your spa on a cool fall evening, looking up at the clear night sky.
Here in Mississippi, you can find use for your hot tub almost every night of the year because the temperatures never dip that low. Yet for some reason, many people choose to close up their hot tubs at the same time they do their pools, probably to take a break from the maintenance. We think it’s better to enjoy your investment and make the most of it!
Here are some creative ways to enjoy your hot tub in this fall season.
Night Sky Watching

The nights are longer in the fall, and you don’t have to wait until 9 o’clock forthe stars to appear. You can enjoy an early evening in the hot tub with the family, looking up at the stars and checking out the constellations.
Another supermoon will be taking place in November, and the Geminid meteor shower can be seen in December. For more night sky events, check out this 2016 guide from Space.com.
Start a New Book (or TV) Series
If your hot tub is purely for some me-time, why not take a dip in the evenings and read your favorite book? Some people love pouring themselves a hot bubble bath and taking their favorite book with them, but you don’t have to mess with extra water, bubbles or the water turning cold after 20 minutes.
If you’re not much of a reader, start a new TV series instead. With streaming services like Netflix and Hulu, it’s possible to watch an entire season – or five – over the course of a few weeks!
Check out the Birds (and Foliage!)
Autumn brings forth many beautiful birds, which is perfect for birdwatchers. But even if you’re not a formal birdwatcher, there is something to be appreciated about Mother Nature at this time of the year.
Set up a bird feeder near your hot tub and enjoy watching the birds stop by on their migration to the south. You’ll probably see some pretty neat ones! Don’t forget to soak in the beauty of the trees as well. Here in MS, hickory, oak, maple and other hardwood trees all change color!
Prepare for Cold and Flu Season
As wonderful as autumn is, it’s also the jumpstart to cold and flu season. Many households see 6-9 colds come their way, particularly those with young children. Luckily, your hot tub can offer your family some better health and immunity during cold and flu season.
Some of the ways that hot tubs boost wellness is by improving sleep, soothing tired and sore muscles, increasing blood circulation and sweating out toxins. You can read more about the health benefits of a spa in this article from Swim University.
Call Paradise Pools for all of your hot tub related needs at 601-932-POOL. We have an outstanding selection of spas from the Limelight, Highlife, Hot Spot and Free Flow Collections!
4 Reasons to Remodel Your Inground Pool
Publication date : Thursday, September 29th, 2016
Most pool owners don’t need convincing that it’s time to remodel their inground pools. What stands in their way is the cost of the project and the chaos it can bring.
Many remodeling projects will put your swimming pool out of commission, and it can bring a mess to your backyard. That’s why considering a project of this sort in the spring or summer doesn’t make sense. Why have your pool under construction during the months that you should be enjoying it?
With this in mind, NOW is the time to consider a pool remodel. The kids are back at school and most people have either closed their pools or will be doing so soon. While it’s true that your backyard might be out of sorts, it’s a lot easier to handle this now than in the spring or summer. And just imagine: come next year, you will have a brand new spa to enjoy!
Let’s look at some reasons why you might finally be ready for that pool remodel.
- You Have Wandering Eyes
If your eyes have been falling in love with your neighbors’ pools, the pools you see in magazines or the displays at the stores, it’s definitely time for some change. Perhaps you’ve seen a beautiful new tile and you want to resurface your pool. Maybe you want to take advantage of the new features that are out there. Either way, your wandering eyes are telling you that you’re not satisfied with what you have at home.
- Your Pool Needs Upgrades
If you’ve had your inground pool for some time now, it probably lacks in the latest features. Luckily, there are many things you can add to upgrade your pool and get it looking more trendy. Water features such as waterfalls, fountain bubblers, water slides and rock walls add instant appeal. You might even want to expand your area by adding a hot tub or lighting features.
- Your Pool Needs a Fresh Look
Perhaps your pool has had some new features added to it over the years, but the structure itself needs some refreshing. There are tons of choices of finish such as tile, plaster, aggregates and vinyl. Consider your geographic region, how you use your pool and its overall design elements. Paradise Pools recommends vinyl, fiberglass and gunite for Mississippi residents.
- You Need Updated Safety Features
Safety precautions are a great reason to remodel your pool. You may benefit from a pool fence or a pool safety net or perhaps even a new deck area. As important as it can be to have your swimming pool look beautiful, safety always comes first. Also make sure that you have the latest anti-entrapment equipment to prevent hair, limbs and body parts from being sucked toward the drain.
Are you ready to start your pool remodel project? Call Paradise Pools today!
Closing Your Pool in a Warm Climate
Publication date : Thursday, September 15th, 2016
Around the country, kids are back at school, and the unofficial start to fall has taken off thanks to Labor Day weekend. The public pools are officially closed, and the lakes and beaches have no lifeguards on duty, which means swimming is technically not allowed. Many homeowners are beginning to close their pools as well. It’s that time of the year whether we like it or not.
When you live in a warm climate like MS, your strategy for closing your pool is going to be a bit different than if you were to live in a cooler climate. For one, you can push the swimming season a bit longer because the fall and winter don’t get nearly as cold.
At the same time, you won’t be using your pool in the winter, so you have to close it at some point. Also, with the kids back in school, it’s probably not worth it to maintain the pool since it’s not being used much.
Let’s go over a few basics on closing your pool in the south.
Do the Necessary Cleanup
Clean around the pool and make sure it’s free of dirt, debris, leaves, branches, etc. that could change the chemistry of the water. Scrub down the walls and floor with a vacuum, which will help ensure sparkling clean water come spring.
Examine the Pool Equipment
Once everything is clean, inspect the pool equipment. Look for signs of weather damage or parts that need to be replaced or repaired. If you used your pool a lot over the summer, your equipment ran hard and could have wear and tear you haven’t noticed.
Balance the Chemicals
Do NOT drain your pool water completely. You can drain the water down to the skimmer mouth but no further. Balance the water with a test kit from Paradise Pools and adjust the chemicals as needed.
Flush the Filtration System
When the chemicals are in the water, it’s a good idea to flush the filtration system and run it for about one hour. The goal is to move the chemicals through the water and get any dirt or debris out of the water.
Clean the Pool Filters
The next step is to clean the pool filters and cartridges. Once clean, remove all filter hoses and drain plugs. Store everything in a safe, dry place so that it’s ready to be used next year!
Cover Up the Pool
Cover up all equipment, including heaters, filters, plumbing lines, and the pool itself. A sturdy pool cover will prevent internal damage such as tears and holes.
If you have any questions about closing your pool, or you need to perform fall maintenance, stop into Paradise Pools for quality, one-on-one service.
Tips for Safe and Fun Nighttime Swimming
Publication date : Monday, August 15th, 2016
Swimming at night is a very cool experience. It’s the perfect temperature, and the dark, night skies and twinkling stars make your backyard feel like a true retreat. But, unless you have the right arrangement for nighttime swimming, you’re not going to get the full effect. Swimming in the dark requires the right amount of lighting, ambiance, security and privacy.
Below are helpful tips for making the most of nighttime swimming.
Provide Lots of Light
Once the sun goes down, there’s not much light aside from what you have in and around your pool. It’s very important that everything is well-lit as you don’t want anyone to slip and fall. Some areas to pay attention to include the pool steps, the pool edge and the surrounding deck. Lighting can be installed in all of these areas using laminar jets and LED lights.
Today’s lighting options are limitless. For instance, they can change colors and make it possible to see underneath the water. Many systems can also be programmed to adjust the speed, motion and brightness of the lights. Lighting can even set the mood for your backyard oasis and highlight certain architectural features.
Protect Yourself from Insects
If there’s one thing that’s going to ruin your nighttime plans, it’s those pesky insects. Mosquitoes come out at dusk and are attracted to water, so they can be a real nuisance in the evening hours. Your best options for pest control include bug control lamps, mosquito dunks, tiki torches or smoke from a firepit or outdoor fireplace.
While you can’t make mosquitoes go away completely, think about the best measures you can take to keep them at bay so that you can enjoy your nighttime swims.
Consider Your Privacy
When you’re outdoors at night and have the backyard lit up, there’s no doubt that you’re going to attract the attention of nosy neighbors. Consider your privacy and what you are most comfortable with. It may be hard to completely relax if you feel that you can be seen by everyone.
Shrubs or evergreen trees are good picks for adding privacy around a pool. Plus, they don’t have thorns or fruit that can make the pool water dirty. You’ll also want to think about the lighting and how bright it is. A warm ambiance is best, and avoid shining any lights onto your neighbor’s properties.
Nighttime swimming is a favorite pastime for many, and now that you have your own swimming pool, you can enjoy it too!
Bring Your Water into Paradise Pools for FREE Testing
Publication date : Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

Did you know that here at Paradise Pools, we will test your pool water for FREE? That’s right! All you have to do is collect a water sample and bring it in. We will take care of the rest!
We recommend that you bring us a sample once a month, but it’s up to you how often you want to do this based on your schedule. If you don’t bring your water to us, you will still need to be testing it. The only way to know your water is safe and clean is by testing it.
Here are some of the advantages to having Paradise Pools test your water sample.
Save Money
When you bring your water to us, we’ll tell you exactly what your pool needs. This way, you don’t have to spend money on products or chemicals that are unnecessary. Plus, Paradise Pools sells chemicals directly in our store, saving you money and long wait times (if you usually order from the internet).
Make Sure Sanitizer is Working
If your pool water is not properly balanced, your sanitizers won’t work well. They can become too slow or burn off gas too quickly. In either case, this means that you’re throwing money down the drain – literally. Either the sanitizers are not killing bacteria, or they are causing you to run through an excess of chemicals.
Avoid Green, Cloudy Water
When people install an inground swimming pool, they have visions of crystal clear water. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take long for pool water to become cloudy and green. By having your water tested, you avoid this from happening as much as possible. We will identify why your water looks the way it does (usually from sanitizer not working properly from the water being out of balance) and suggest the proper chemicals.
Care for the Long-Term Maintenance of Your Pool
One of the best ways to care for your pool in the long-term is by maintaining its water balance. The proper water balance helps your pool surface and pool equipment age better and last longer. For instance, many of our customers have seen that when they have their water tested regularly and make the proper adjustments, their vinyl liner pools last between 10-12 years!
To learn more about our FREE water testing service, call Paradise Pools today or stop in and see us.
6 Tips for Throwing an Epic Pool Party
Publication date : Wednesday, June 15th, 2016

If you’re hoping to get more use out of your swimming pool this year, why not throw a pool party? You don’t need an excuse to throw one. It’s summer, and that’s enough of a reason in our book! But you can also turn someone’s birthday, graduation, retirement or anniversary into a pool party.
Here are six tips that will help you throw an epic pool party that everyone will be talking about!
1. Start with a Theme. This way, it will be easier to plan the menu and decor. Some of the most popular pool themes include Hawaiian Luau, Surf’s Up or Inflatables. Or you can stick with traditional 2016 graduation decor or brightly colored birthday decor.
2. Send Out the Invites. You can mail out traditional invitations or simply email everyone an e-vite. Let your guests know that you are having a pool party and that they need to bring a bathing suit, a beach towel and sunscreen. It never hurts to have extras on hand, though. It’s amazing how many people forget!
3. Decorate Your Poolside. Now it’s time to start having some fun! Hang paper lanterns or a string of lights around your pool for color and ambience. Set out inflatable palm trees and tiki torches (they look cool and can keep pesky bugs away). Drape beach towels over your chairs, arrange citronella candles on the tables and play some summery music.
4. Pool Activities. It’s a good idea to have some pool activities on hand that encourage everyone to enjoy the water right off the bat. Kids are always the easiest to persuade, so toss in some inflatable toys or diving rings. If you’re having a birthday party, you can always toss balloons into the water, too!
5. Serve Food and Drinks. Adults take a little longer to warm up, so don’t be surprised if they hover around the food and drinks before going for a swim. The nice thing about summer is that you don’t have to serve a complicated menu. Snacks and appetizers are perfect, as well as burgers, hot dogs and brats. Don’t forget some alcohol-free options like fresh iced tea or lemonade!
6. Get the Goods. Have the essentials on hand just in case your guests forget to bring them. Things like bug spray, sunscreen and a first aid kit are important and can make it easier to enjoy the outdoors. Another nice thing you can do for your guests is provide them with plastic bags to put their wet stuff in.
Summer is finally here, and it’s time to make the most of the best months! Make your summer one to remember with an epic pool party!