Why Fall is a Great Time to Remodel Your Swimming Pool

Publication date : Tuesday, September 30th, 2014

Were you looking forward to remodeling your swimming pool over the summer season and it just didn’t happen? Don’t worry, this isn’t all that unusual. Summer has a way of seeming long and filled with time in the beginning, when it in truth it goes by very fast.

The good news is that you don’t have to table your pool plans till next year. You can remodel your swimming pool this beautiful fall season! Here’s why.

The pool isn’t in use anyway.

Typically, the fall and winter seasons are when swimming pools are shut down, so you don’t have to worry about sacrificing a season of pool fun for remodeling work. By planning a renovation for the fall, the project will be complete in time for spring or summer, and everyone will be able to use the pool uninterrupted. Win!

If there are problems, you have time to spare.

Sometimes, projects don’t go according to plan. The bigger the project, the bigger the problems can be. If you’re on a short time frame, these problems are bound to interrupt your swimming season. By doing a pool remodel in the fall, you have time on your side. No one will be lounging around the pool in the middle of December waiting for a swim.

Your pool saw its fair share of use over the summer.

Perhaps your home was the hub of entertainment for family, friends and neighbors throughout the summer. Barbecues, pool games and picnics may have taken their toll on your yard and your swimming pool. If you were looking for an excuse to do a renovation, you may not need one anymore.

Pool contractors are more available.

The summer is a busy time for pool companies, so it can be difficult to get the attention you deserve. The fall and early winter is when the craziness lightens up and pool contractors have more flexibility. They are also aware of up-and-coming trends for the New Year, and they have more appointments available. Getting your pool renovation done in a short time frame is possible.

Plants do well when planted in the fall.

Many types of pool-friendly plants and shrubs can be planted in the fall, and this gives them just enough time to develop healthy roots for the spring season. Come next year, you won’t have to worry about planting new flowers – you can enjoy the freshly planted foliage from your latest project!

Schedule an estimate for your next project with Paradise Pools and be ready for an uninterrupted swim season next year!

© Paradise Pools & Spas
Paradise Pools & Spas Contact Details:
Main address: 227 S. Pearson Road 39208 Pearl, MS ,
Tel:(601) 932-7665,
Email: info@paradisepoolsms.com
March 16th - August 30th
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 5pm
Saturday: 9am - 1pm
Sunday: Closed
September 1st - March 15th
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 5pm
Saturday: 9am - 12pm
Sunday: Closed